Help Stop the Logging

The forest needs you help to stop the logging plan proposed by San Jose Water Company and Big Creek Lumber. Here are just a few things you can do,

* Write short, concise letters about your concerns about this logging plan to any of the Board of Supervisors, especially Don Gage. You can also make phone calls and send emails to any public official you think may be interested. Stick to the facts.

* Download the petition and get signatures.

* Write letters to the editor of any newspaper in the area about your concerns. Again stick to the facts as you know them.

* Sign up on the list of volunteers to help with projects that need doing to stop the logging.

*We need digital photos of wildlife, especially osprey, cooper's hawk or sharp shinned hawk nests in the area Any nice pictures of wildlife may be useful in presentations. You can post them on the web site, but do not disclose the location of nests or rare species. Email that to

* Make donations to NAIL. Checks made out to CRFM (Citizens for Responsible Forest Management) with a note they are for NAIL are tax deductible. Checks can also me made out to NAIL, but are not tax deductible. Please do not send cash and we can’t take credit cards.
We will use donated funds to hire experts, do mass mailings and cover other expenses directly related to stopping the proposed logging plan.

Mail donations to:
Neighbors Against Irresponsible Logging (NAIL)
P.O. Box 1975
Los Gatos, CA 95031

Rea Freedom
September 19, 2005